(Healthcare Integrated Solutions)
serving the healthcare community
Delivering top notch science and knowledge into practice through applied methods
that help applicants contribute to their society and career
5 days
5 hrs
2 days
4 days
" Perfect Course, I learned a lot of terminologies, applications, modules. I really enjoyed and definitely will join future courses. "
" Very interesting information that open your mind to know how things happen. "
" I personally enjoyed the content of the course which improves my knowledge & understanding the new Era of Market Access. I recommend people dealing with pricing and access to join. "
" The course was very beneficial to my job. "
" Professional & Friendly Training. "
" It is a very interesting course, intense, focused, and scientific based, it gives a lot of knowledge and information about Pharmacoeconomics, if you are to join take it serious and try to make the best use of the knowledge and helpful trainee interaction is a must to add value. "
" A very well designed course with strong descriptive information to all who want to start a career in pharmacoeconomics and market access, best part of the course is that every piece of information is supported by real world data and evidence. "
" The pharmacoeconomics field was a quite new field that I was very interested to know more about. The course and the way it was delivered was indeed enriched by knowledge In regards to this field, and gave me the motive to further study and know about the different applications and branches of pharmacoeconomics. "
" You shouldn't miss Pharmacoeconomics course, It is of great benefit, and very important branch that is useful in both Career and personal life. "
" The Pharmacoeconomics course was very good and I learned a lot of information and I recommend others to take it. "
" People should know about Pharmacoeconomics and understand it as it is a life style and not only for business. "
" Hope pharmacists can use Pharmacoeconomics course in their life in everything, really it can change many decisions taken. "
" Excellent Course that should be taken continuously by pharmacists. "
" One of the most useful courses I have ever attended, I hope it can be used for improving healthcare system in Egypt. "
" Good course and useful to our work. "
" Thank you for the information and the simple way for delivering it. "
" It’s a new science for developing aspects & for optimizing health service in Egypt. "
" Speakers are excellent and very well qualified. "
" Very useful course. "
" The course is useful to control costs and choose the medication that gives the effectiveness depending on management costs and not only price. "
" This course is useful for my business needs and goof for restoring knowledge. "
" Magnificent course with really intelligent goals and needs to be applied. "
" I recommend this course as Pharmacoeconomics is a new science that deals with cost and effectiveness of drug, it is very useful and can improve the quality of healthcare sytem. "
" Any Pharmacist should attend the Pharmacoeconomics course. "
" Pharmacoeconomics is a way to save more lives and get the full use of the wated health budget. "